Our Mission
“Our mission is to provide shelter & assistance to women, children, & men who have been subjected to domestic violence and/or sexual abuse. To offer hope, help, restore dignity, & give them back the power of choice.”

Dreams do come true!!
Becky’s Place had a dream for many years that we not only would open a “safe house” for women, children, and men who were being abused, but that one day we would own the “safe house”. Well, that dream came true! Due to a variety of circumstance, at the end of 2020 Becky’s Place purchased a spacious 4-bedroom home with a large back yard! Please join with us as we celebrate this miracle!
We are currently in the process of major repair work, have completed replacing all heating and plumbing, all electrical wiring and purchased material to replace top portion of the roof.
We are blessed to live in such an amazing community where men, women and teens have stepped up to volunteer their time sheet rocking, mudding, and taping the walls, painting, laying new flooring…. The list goes on. What amazing, hardworking, compassionate, and giving people. They are our hero’s!! Each and every one holds a special place in our hearts for their labor of love!
Please check out our photo section of the website and see the progress being made.
Our love and appreciation to all who helped make the completion of our “safe house” a reality!
Jackie and Stan
February 21, 2021

Our 1st safe house
Our Vision: Our vision is to open a “safe house” in Haines, Alaska. We envision a large 4-to-5-bedroom home, where women and children can come to find safety, help, hope, and new beginnings for their future. Many women/children want to stay close to their schools, jobs, and family members, while fleeing from an abusive situation. Becky’s Place will offer support, compassion, and non-judgmental help. We will be there to give choices and encouragement, allowing them to reclaim their ability to choose.
Becky’s Place will help in numerous ways, including but not limited to the following: a safe and secure environment, food, clothing, continuing education, job training, preparing a resume, help to connect them with resources that will enable them to become independent and have a home of their own.
Immediate Needs: Raising funds to pay monthly expenses on our 2 bedroom “safe house”, which we opened Sept. 2015. Our house will continue to provide safe shelter, food, clothing and medical assistance to victims of domestic violence.
Who we serve: We will offer help to any women, child, and man that comes to our house, seeking refuge. All nationalities, religions, and faiths will be welcome.

Our Beginning!
The story behind Becky’s Place:
Many people have approached me, asking the story behind “Becky’s Place”. I would like to share with you where the name came from and why stopping DV/SA is so dear to my heart.
I had a sister named Becky who was a few years older than me. Becky had become involved with a gentleman who was quite a few years older than her. Eventually Becky moved into an apartment with this man. Unknown to Becky’s family, this person was physically abusive to her. During one of her last arguments/fights with him, he stabbed her in the stomach. It was so severe that she was admitted to the hospital and required to stay there a number of days. Upon being released from the hospital, Becky returned back to the apartment, back to the abuse. Within that week, her small, nude body was found dead in their apartment. He had killed Becky and a few hours later took his own life!
That was over 20 years ago, but I do not forget. I think of Becky often and wonder why she returned? Why did she go back to the abuse? Didn’t she have other options, other choices? Had she been in the abusive situation so long, that she started to believe the lies that she deserved the abuse – that she was somehow responsible for his actions.
That has become my cry to those who find themselves in similar situations. I want them to know that they do have choices, there are options, that they can leave. That is NEVER alright to abuse another individual. That no one deserves to be abused. I want those individuals being harmed to know they are not alone, that there is help and hope available. When they are ready to make the break, we are there to help them.
By giving them options and choices, we are giving them back a piece of themselves that has been robed. We are allowing them to make choices, to determine the outcome of their own lives, no longer being controlled or taken over by another person. We are there to help them stand on their own feet, to take one small step at a time.
That is what Becky Place represents, new beginnings, hope for the hopeless, support, we believe in them succeeding. We are there for them, without judgment or condemnation. We offer unconditional love and support.
Becky’s Place is in memory of Becky, who died from DV. Our hope is that her death was not in vain, that as we help others and share her story, others may find courage to change the direction of their lives. We offer hope and help in memory of her tragic death.
Becky’s Place – Serving Southeast Alaska, one life at a time.
Join us in making a difference!
Our Mission
“Our mission is to provide shelter & assistance to women, children, & men who have been subjected to domestic violence and/or sexual abuse. To offer hope, help, restore dignity, & give them back the power of choice.”
Jackie Mazeikas
Haines President
Stan Mazeikas
Haines Vice President
Jan Hill
Haines Secretary
Carol Clifton,
Haines Treasurer
Kathy Hosford
Haines Board Member

Contact information:
Becky’s Place Haven of Hope
c/o Jackie Mazeikas
PO Box 1506
Haines, AK 9982
(907) 766-2105 Safe House
(907) 766-3895 Fax Number
Email: beckysplace.haines@gmail.com
Website: www.beckysplacehavenofhope.org