
Radio interviews with KHNS.
Listen to interviews throughout the past 15 years, sharing the struggles, hope, visions, determination, ups and down and finally success of opening a local Safe House in Haines Alaska.
New Update on Becky’s Place, Dec 2018
Have you ever wondered how Becky’s Place Haven of Hope, a local “safe house” in Haines got started? Click on this link and listen to a wonderful interview by Claire Stremple from KHNS, as they discuss the struggles, accomplishments and goals of Becky’s Place.
Lynn Canal Voice: Jackie Mazeikas and Becky’s Place
Please share with others, as together we are touching lives and making a difference!

Update on Becky’s Place
On December 9th, 2015 Haines local radio station, KHNS held a radio interview with Jackie about the opening of Becky’s Place and the need for a “safe house” in Haines and the surrounding areas.
Please take a moment and listen to the interview.
Becky’s Place offers Haines safe house for abuse victims
Just click on my picture and then the small arrow for audio. It’s exciting to see how far we have come and the lives we have touched. Thank you for partnering with us… Together we are making a difference!
As all of us struggle during these uncertain times, please know that Becky’s Place is here for you. As so many of us have had to “shelter in place” due to the Covid-19 virus, abuse has been on the increase. We are very concerned about the safety of those who are caught in unhealthy, harmful situations. Please know you are not alone. There is help, hope, and options available…
If you need someone to talk with, call (907) 303-0076

Thanksgiving Bizarre
Please join us next Thursday, Nov 18th at Haines High school for our annual Craft Bizarre. Becky’s Place will have a table with some amazing items for sale. This year we will have baked good to tantalize your taste buds, beautiful hand made art pieces by local artist and a raffle for Tlingit hand made blanket. Highest bidder get the prize!
See you there!
Happy Thanksgiving
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Jackie & Stan
Becky’s Place receives $246,000 grant to purchase new safe house.

Domestic violence safe house nearly closed this winter.

Mazeikas wins national honor for village campaign.